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01-CornerofChurchAndLakeStreets 750
Corner of Church & Lake Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
01aCityHall-ChurchStreet 750
City Hall - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
01bClockAtopCityHall 750
Clock atop City Hall - Church & Lake Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
01cClockAtopCityHall2 750
Clock atop City Hall - Church & Lake Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
01dStoneSculptureOnCityHallBuilding 750
A sampling of the sculpture work on the City Hall building. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
02aTheArmory-ChurchStreet 750
The Armory - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
02bTheArmory 750
The Armory - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
03aTheOldPostOffice-ChurchStreet 750
Old Post Office - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
04aBaldwinStreetCorner 750
Looking down E. Gray St. from Baldwin St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
04bClerksOffice-LakeStreet 750
County Clerk's Office - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
04cTheCourtHouse-LakeStreet 750
County Court House - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
05aArnotArtMuseum-LakeStreet 750
Arnot Art Gallery - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
05bArnotArtMuseum 750
Arnot Art Gallery - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
05cLakeStreet-LookingTowardChemungRiver 750
Looking down Lake St. toward the river (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
05dElmiraClock-CornerOfChurchandNMain 750
Elmira Clock - Church & N. Main Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
06aTheHazzletBuilding-LakeStreet 750
Hazlett Building - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
06bStarGazzett 750
Star Gazette Buildiing (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
06cClemensCenter 750
Clemens Center (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
07aArnotOgden 750
Arnot Ogden Hospital (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
07bArnotOgden2 750
Arnot Ogden Hospital (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
08aCowelsHall 750
Cowles Hall - Elmira College (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
09aCornerWarnickAndDavis 750
Corner of Davis & Warnick Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
10aKingCone-CollegeAve 750
King Kone - College Ave. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
10bM-Ms 750
m&m red hots (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
10cM-M-RedHots 750
m&m red hots (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
10dPudgiesPIzza-526N MainStreet 750
Pudgies Pizza - N. Main St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11-NewEnterenceToEldridgePark 750
New entrance into Eldridge Park (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11aEldridgeLake 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11bEldridgeLake2 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11cEldridgeLake3 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11dEldridgeLakeView 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11eEldridgeLakeView2 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11fEldrigeLakeView3 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11gLakeView-EldridgeLake 750
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11hNewlyRenovatedMerry-Go-RoundBuilding 750
Newly renovated Merry-Go-Round building (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11iSneakPeakAtMerryGoRoundCarvings3 750
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11jSneakPeakAtMerryGoRoundCarvings1 750
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11kSneakPeakAtMerryGoRoundCarvings 750
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11lSneakPeakAtMerryGoRoundCarvings2 750
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
11mSneakPeakAtMerryGoRoundCarvings-JustUnloaded 750
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
12aHathornCourt 750
Hathorn Court (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
12bNewlyRenovatedHathornCourt 750R
Hathorn Court (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
13aTheParkChurch-N MainStreetSide2 750
Park Church - N. Main St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
13bTheParkChurch-N MainStreetSide 750
Park Church - N. Main St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
13cTheParkChurch-GrayStreetSide-208WestGrayStreet 750
Park Church - Gray St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
14-TrinityChurch 750
Trinity Episcopal Church - N. Main & Church Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
14aTrinityEpiscopalChurch-304N MainStreet 750
Trinity Episcopal Church - N. Main & Church Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
14bTrinityEpiscopalChurch 750
Trinity Episcopal Church - N. Main & Church Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
15aUncleCharliesStempfleStar 750
Uncle Charlie Stempfle's Star (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
15bTwinTribute 750
Twin Tribute (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
16-QuarryFarmSign 750
Quarry Farm sign (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
16aLangdonAndMarkTwainsHome 750
Quarry Farm - Home of Susan Langdon Crane, and summer residence of Mark Twain & family for 20+ years (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
16bLangdonAndMarkTwainsHome2 750
Quarry Farm - Home of Susan Langdon Crane, and summer residence of Mark Twain & family for 20+ years (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
16cPlateOnStudy 750
Plaque at the Mark Twain Study (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
16dMarkTwainStudyAtElmiraCollege-CollegeAve 750
Mark Twain Study (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
17aMarkTwainAndOlivaLangdonMonumentStone-WoodlawnCeme 750
Monument to Mark Twain and Olivia Langdon - Woodlawn Cemetery (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
17bMarkTwainAndOlivaLangdonMonumentStone-Woodlawn(1) 750
Monument to Mark Twain and Olivia Langdon - Plaque - Woodlawn Cemetery. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
17cMarkTwainGraveStone 750
Mark Twain Headstone (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
17dOliviaLangdonGraveStone 750
Olivia Langdon Headstone (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
17eWoodlawnCemetaryFallView 750
Woodlawn Cemetery (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18aFallView0 750
Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18bFallView1 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18cFallView2 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18dFallView3 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18eFallView4 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18fFallView5 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18gFallView6 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18hFallView7 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18iFallView8 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18jFallView9 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18lFallView11 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18mFallView12 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18nFallView13 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
18oFallView14 750
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
SimpkinFarmView 750
Simpkin Farm - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Top of page
Corner of Church & Lake Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
City Hall - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Clock atop City Hall - Church & Lake Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Clock atop City Hall - Church & Lake Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
A sampling of the sculpture work on the City Hall building. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The Armory - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The Armory - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Old Post Office - Church St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Looking down E. Gray St. from Baldwin St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
County Clerk's Office - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
County Court House - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Arnot Art Gallery - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Arnot Art Gallery - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Looking down Lake St. toward the river (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Elmira Clock - Church & N. Main Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Hazlett Building - Lake St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Star Gazette Buildiing (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Clemens Center (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Arnot Ogden Hospital (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Arnot Ogden Hospital (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Cowles Hall - Elmira College (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Corner of Davis & Warnick Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
King Kone - College Ave. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
m&m red hots (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
m&m red hots (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Pudgies Pizza - N. Main St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
New entrance into Eldridge Park (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Eldridge Lake (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Newly renovated Merry-Go-Round building (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Merry-Go-Round renovation (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Hathorn Court (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Hathorn Court (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Park Church - N. Main St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Park Church - N. Main St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Park Church - Gray St. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Trinity Episcopal Church - N. Main & Church Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Trinity Episcopal Church - N. Main & Church Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Trinity Episcopal Church - N. Main & Church Sts. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Uncle Charlie Stempfle's Star (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Twin Tribute (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Quarry Farm sign (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Quarry Farm - Home of Susan Langdon Crane, and summer residence of Mark Twain & family for 20+ years (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Quarry Farm - Home of Susan Langdon Crane, and summer residence of Mark Twain & family for 20+ years (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Plaque at the Mark Twain Study (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Mark Twain Study (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Monument to Mark Twain and Olivia Langdon - Woodlawn Cemetery (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Monument to Mark Twain and Olivia Langdon - Plaque - Woodlawn Cemetery. (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Mark Twain Headstone (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Olivia Langdon Headstone (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Woodlawn Cemetery (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
The view from Comfort Road - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)
Simpkin Farm - Pine City (Courtesy of Melissa Rinker)